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What is an Innerminder?
A vast number of ancient cultures have claimed “Know yourself”. An Innerminder is someone who mindfully pays attention to the inside of the body and mind in a systematic, logical and scientific way in order to fulfill this purpose. An Innerminder is interested in knowing her/himself, not only on the superficial level, but on the deepest level of the brain processes and mind and wants to understand the biological mechanisms orchestrating our life. An Innerminder is a Truth-seeker interested in revealing the physiological reality inside our bodies and the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors emerging from our inner processes. We are like scientists making experiments in the frame of our own bodies, observing what is happening inside. Importantly, we observe the communication between body and brain with an objective perspective – non judging, with curiosity, with a beginner´s mind and allowing any experience in the body to manifest completely.
Why do we do this?
To rewire our brains! To change non-favorable habits of our brains; to synchronize our life with our biological nature. To become free of automatic patterns of reaction. To take control of our lives. We live our lives in a state of automatic pilot, reacting instead of consciously responding. This way of living leads to stress, a sense of perpetual dissatisfaction, and misery. Automatic reaction is not the enemy, it is just how our brains work: automation of behavior is evolutionary advantageous; however, we can become aware of this process and use other higher functions of our brains to “hack” the system and reduce stress, perpetual dissatisfaction, and misery. We can tune in with our biological nature and achieve a higher well-being both for the individual and for the community.
How do we rewire our brains?
Here at Innerminder, we combine scientific conceptual knowledge with self-contemplation techniques. We believe that awareness of our biological nature is essential to understand ourselves. We are living systems and hence we are governed by the laws of nature. We cannot detach from our biological nature and therefore we believe it is fundamental to be familiar with the laws that apply to living systems, to ourselves. Intellectual knowledge of these aspects is important, but it is not enough! Ultimately, we change non-favorable habits of our brains by practicing contemplative techniques: Awareness of Body-Brain Communication (ABBC). This practice is based on Mindfulness and Vipassana contemplative practices; however, we use a more explicit conceptual framework which is systematic, logical, and scientific and we integrate this into the practice. All conceptual knowledge is supported by scientific evidence in the fields of Neuroscience, Medicine, Evolutionary Psychology and Biology.
By becoming an Innerminder you don´t only learn the techniques to change non-favorable habits, but also you learn the mechanisms underlying the “why” and “how” the technique works on your body. The integration of this conceptual knowledge with your personal contemplative practice will help you to create your own criteria. Hence, you will be able to decide by yourself the best way to change non-favorable habits and reduce the automatic patterns of reactivity in your life.

Introduction to Awareness of Body-Brain Communication
We provide on-site introductory workshops to the conceptual framework of Body-Brain Communication. We explore the WHY we need to rewire our brains and the WHY and HOW contemplative techniques work to rewire our brains. We approach this from a systematic, logic, and scientific perspective.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course
This program incorporates mindfulness practice with the intention of enhancing stress resilience. It was developed at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in the 1970s by Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn. This course helps you developing an increased awareness of the body, thoughts, and emotions and provides theoretical and practical tools to explore new possibilities of experiencing difficult situations in daily life.

Awareness of Body-Brain Communication for Life Scientists
This program is designed for graduate students (master and PhD students), Postdocs, and other members of groups, organizations, or institutions working on the life sciences field. Scientists follow rigorously the scientific method and many people working on this field feel more comfortable with systematic, logic, and objective approaches when dealing with a particular topic. During this course, we give strong emphasis on these qualities. We explicitly explain why it makes sense to practice the techniques we offer and we offer detailed and systematic content on the mechanisms underlying Body-Brain Communication.
About Innerminder
We focus on sharing high quality trainings for mental and emotional well-being. We are Truth-seekers; we are scientists in the frame of our own bodies; we are objective, logic, and systematic. We recognize that we are living systems and therefore we understand that learning about the laws of nature under which we exist is fundamental for our personal development. We focus on observing and experiencing how these laws work in our bodies.

Our Model: Giving First
We believe that having access to this information is a Human Right; therefore, we consider it is important to keep this accessible to everyone regardless of financial situation, gender, religion, etc. We TRUST in the generosity of people, knowing that if they find the information useful they will support this cause so more people can benefit as well.
Our Aspiration
Innerminder contributes to synchronize our society with its biological, evolutionary design. We aspire to share the concepts and practices needed so the people can create a life style with qualities that benefit both the individual and the community.
We contribute to the social shift that our world needs: the knowledge at the intellectual and experiential level of how our brains and bodies work will be popular and accessible to everyone; the awareness of this information, as well as practicing contemplative techniques, will be common. We believe this is the Next Generation in Preventive Health Care. The aspiration of Innerminder is to create a social environment on which learning about how Body-Brain Communication works is a moral responsibility.
Learning about Body-Brain Communication is a Human Right; here at Innerminder we provide to you all the tools you need for FREE. Just take the next step. Contact us for more information.